Showing posts with label Quantifiers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quantifiers. Show all posts


They are used to show how many things or how much of something is being spoken of.

a few cars
many people
a lot of sugar
some milk

Each/every, few , a few, several/many, a lot of, some/any, all/half, numerals: three/ twice

These are used with countable nouns

Little, a little, much, a lot of, some/any, all/half, numeral : three/twice

These are used with uncountable nouns

Quantifiers can be used

- as determiners
These are always followed by a noun and show the quantity or how much of a substance we are talking about.

For Examples
Some people go for jog every morning.

He put a little salt on his french fries.

- as pronouns
These stand on their own without any nouns.

For Examples
We only met a few of our ex-classmates at the reunion dinner

She had a full bowl of porridge but now there's only half left.